islamic view

 This website aknowledges you with a brief explanation of the quran and Islam.  The Islam religion brings peace to everyone.  The Arabic word "Salaam" means to "bring peace upon you"

For translations of the quran click on Translations and for surahs click surahs.  The Quran is the purest and holiest book ever made by Allah( The gracious, most merciful)  which was sent to the last prophet Muhammed Rasullulah alahi wasalam.  Which is to reveal to the world that "There is NO GOD, but Allah"  This is the right way to live and obey Allah and go to paradise.  Allah has made a promise and he NEVER forgets his promises.  To commit that you are a true muslim and do the 5 pillars of faith from your heart you will go to Jannah (paradise

                                                                          The five pillars of faith

1.)Commit to Allah that you BELIEVE in and your heart is clean of Islam

2.)Pray and obey Allah and follow the footsteps of the prophets to go to paradise

3.)Fast during ramadan ( september-november you don't eat from when the sun rises & until the sun sets)

4.)Give Zakah ( 2.5% of your yearly average amount of money to the poor.)

5.)Go to Hajj ( a journey to Mecca to ask for forgiveness if you have the money) 

                                          "Ashudana lailahail-lul-lahu- muhammadin-abdhu-rusuallah"

                                       "There is no god, but ALLAH and mohammed is his messanger"






Jamila Popal